Hi! So, recently, (last week(end)) we went to Boston, to walk the Freedom Trail. And walk we did!!! We walked so much, I should say we walked 5 miles! (maybe) Anyhow, we took the train from our campground (which had an indoor pool) to South Station in Boston. From there, on the first day, we walked allllllllllllllllllllll the way to Faneuil Hall, because there is an artillery company, (Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. Massachusetts) which can trace its roots alllllll the way back to 1638!!!! They had FOUR machine guns, which were pretty cool. They had lots of other guns, too. This was on the fourth floor of Faneuil Hall. Faneuil Hall in itself was pretty cool, too. It was unbelievable to think that you were standing in the same room as Samuel Adams, and some other pretty cool people.
The next place we went to was the USS Constitution, in the Charleston Navy Yard. It is the oldest commissioned warship afloat today, it STILL sails. It was built before or during the War of 1812. We took a tour, so we got to go below deck. The sailors had put in florescent lights for themselves, but when the original sailors had NO lighting, NO ventilation, and it was VERY cramped. (I had about 8 or 9 inches from the top of my head to the ceiling) How would you like that?

After that, we
walked to the Bunker Hill Monument, on (obviously) Bunker Hill. Did you know that there is a 294 step monument there? Can you guess what we did next??? Bet you can't guess!!! -------We climbed it!!!! (see face to left ) Yep, you probably guessed it. Well, my thighs were burning, but the view was cool. In the middle, there was something like a drain grate, and you could SEE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE MONUMENT!!! Yep, it was pretty tall. I took a picture from the bottom, all the way up to the top. See the white dot? That's the top. Yeah... that's really the top... Cool, huh?
Well, that was the end of day one. I'll do day two on another post.
(sorry, the Bunker Hill monument got posted twice) BTW, we took the water taxi back. That's the bottom picture.

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